Just One More Before I Go by Nikki Dudley

A little while ago, I read a pamphlet by Nikki Dudley. It was about her Nan, Greenie, and about how Greenie´s dementia had a huge impact not only on her, but also on Nikki and the whole family. At the time I was reading this, my father had died after living with Parkinson´s-related dementia for the last years of his life. And my mother, who was (and still is) alive, was living with dementia as well. The book meant a lot to me and I came back to it again and again. It is a mixture of poetry, CNF and visual poetry, the latter illustrating perfectly that dementia is not a linear thing, but something scattered, murky, out of reach for those who live with it and those who are their witnesses in this process. When I wrote my own book, St. Eisenberg and the Sunshine Bus, Nikki’s book helped me to think outside the box in describing my father’s dementia.

So when Beir Bua Press closed down and it wasn’t clear what would happen with all the books, I approached Nikki and asked her what she thought about Sídhe Press re-publishing her book. We agreed on working together and on September 15, Just One More I Go, was re-published by Sídhe Press. It is, of course, the same book it was, but I hope we have added and improved to it in a way that honours Greenie. As well as an additional poem, we now have photos of Greenie not only on the cover, but also tucked inside the book- one more thing to illustrate who she was and is to Nikki, and once we read it, to us. And it slots in seamlessly with Our Own Coordinates- Poems About Dementia, which was the first book I published with Sídhe Press.

Just One More Before I Go

Nikki is planning an online launch on October 2, 2023, with two fabulous guests, JP Seabright and Mims Sully. Both JP and Mims have poems in Sídhe`s first anthology, Our Own Coordinates- Poems About Dementia. You can get free tickets here.

Fridays I’m in love


Yesterday evening, we celebrated the launch of Glisk and Glimmer- Poems about Light, the newest anthology by Sídhe Press. It was a wonderful gathering of poets and light. You can watch it on YouTube now and soak up some of the light. Thank you to my wonderful co-editor, Larissa Reid and to the equally wonderful designer of all of our books, Jane Cornwell!

And now I’m very happy to congratulate my friend and brilliant poet, Sarah Connor, on her second book this year! Today is the publication date of The Poet Spells Her Name, published by Black Bough Poetry. Look at that beautiful cover, too! It’s by Sarah-Jane Crowson, who helped me with my Ukraine anthology. I love how everything and everyone is coming together.

Here are a few more things I collected for you this week (brace yourselves, you might need to buy a lot of books:)):

Frieze, a book by Olga Dermott-Bond, is available for pre-order! Olga is one of the contributors of our Glisk and Glimmer anthology, do check out her book.

Sídhe Press also re-published a book for the first time on September 15: Just One More Before I Go, by Nikki Dudley. This is a book about her Nan Greenie´s dementia, updated with photos of Greenie, an extra poem and a brand new cover. The book is a mix of poetry, visual poetry and CNF and it´s fabulous. Please take a look!

Follow El Rhodes (before the hellsite destructs itself) for the daily small joys and other wonderful things.

Oh yes.

Beth Brooke just casually finding poetry prompts wherever she goes. While we’re at it, Beth has a great book out with Hedgehog Press. It’s called Transformations and is all about the works of Elisabeth Frink

A masterpiece.

The thread you never knew you needed!

This poem by Kelli Agodon.

And this thread!

Jane Mead.

The ending of this poem.

Postcard inspiration.

Some baking for the weekend.

Be safe and well and have a good weekend!